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News & Publications
- Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit
- Nam risus. Maecenas luctus libero nec leo. Morbi interdum molestie libero.
- Suspendisse sagittis. Phasellus mauris massa, fringilla eget
- test
- 17th Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 2004
- 2005 Annual Conference Programme
- MPS Membership Rates 2006 to 2007
- 18th Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 2005
- Brennan Report - Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service
- Deloitte & Touche - Value for Money Audit of the irish Health System
- New Medical Practitioners Act - Heads of Bill
- Rajpal v Robinson & Ors
- Barry v MDU
- Review Boidy on Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector
- Health Strategy - Quality & Fairness - A Health System For You
- Review Body on Higher Remuneration in the Public Service Advertisement
- Competition Authority Reply
- IHCA Submission to the Competition Authority - Cover Letter 15th March 06
- Dr Lynda Sisson CAS Presentation 31st March 2006
- Competence Assurance Presentation
- HSE Prof. Brendan Drumm Correspondence
- Presidnt"s Address to 2003 Annual Conference
- Hanly Report - IHCA Summary
- Medical Practitioners Act Questionnaire
- Nurses and Widwives Prescribing Consultation Document
- MHC Discussion Documents - Comments on Draft Rules
- MHC Discussion Documents - Comments on Draft Rules 2
- MHC Discussion Documents - Draft ECT Consent Form
- MHC Discussion Documents - Mechanical Means of Bodily Restraint Rules
- MHC Discussion Documents - Rules Governing the use of ECT
- Towards 2016 National Agreement
- Minister Addresses Annual Conference
- President Addresses Annual Conference
- IHCA Website Launched
- IHCA Welcomes Hanly Report
- Consultants slam the latest waiting list figures published today
- Consultants Reject ESRI Report
- IHCA Calls on Minister to Act on A&E Crisis
- IHCA Dismay at Government Spending Estimates
- Enterprise Liability PostponsedUntil 1st February
- Maternity Hospital Masters Warn Re Obstetric Crisis
- Turmoil in Medical Insurance
- Hospital Consultants Act To Protect Patients
- IHCA Rejects Minister"s Claim - MDU Cannot "Walk off the pitch"
- Hospital Consultants willing to work with Government in tackling health problems
- IHCA Extremely Concerned at Latest MDU Move
- MDU Tactics Criticised
- IHCA Calls for Facilitator between Department and MDU
- IHCA Welcomes Harney Appointment
- IHCA Calls in Health & Safety Authority
- EGM Outcome
- 84% Vote in Favour of Industrial Action
- IHCA Defers Industrial Action
- IHCA Blames Department for Delay in National Plan
- Taoiseach Does Not Understand Crisis
- Taoiseach Still Does Not Understand
- Irish Times Letter - Competition Authority
- Irish Times Letter Rafftery Response
- Irish Times Letter Responding to Government Criticism of Consultants
- IHCA Comments on 1,000 New Hospital Beds
- Hospital Consultants Reject Finance Minister’s Assertion
- Hospital Waiting List Figures Comment
- Joyce Case Settlement
- Mental Health Tribunals - Irish Times Letters
- Department Tries to Mislead Public on Hospital Bed Figures
- Tanaiste"s 2nd Attempt to Mislead on Bed Statistics
- 2005 Budget Reaction
- IHCA Rejects Tanaiste"s Plea
- Harney and Cowen Guilty of “Arrant Hypocrisy”
- Tanaiste gets it wrong again
- Consultants and HSE Differ re Bed Capacity
- Letter to Irish Times from President, IHCA
- Tanaiste Determined to Bring Health Service to its Knees
- Letter to Irish Times from Dr. J.P. Keaveny 17th January 06 "Harney Bullies Consultants"
- Statements from Faculty of Pathology & IHCA on Madden Report
- Where"s the Governance?
- Contract Negotiations - Tanaiste"s Announcement at Question Time in the Dail on 31st January 06
- IHCA Blames Health Service Executive Board for Talks Delay
- IHCA Welcomes Voluntary Peer Review
- Drogheda Inquiry Statement
- Statement on Lourdes Hospital Inquiry
- HSE Directors Have Questions to Answer
- Time to Change an Unfair Health System
- Consultants Reject Drumm Assertions
- IHCA Welcome MDU Judgement
- Consultants Fury at Drumm
- IAEM Position Paper on Overcrowding March 2006
- NTPF Report Shows Need for More Hopsital Beds
- Re: NTPF
- Consultants Condemn HSE for Stalling Talks
- IHCA Welcomes Taoiseach"s Acknowledgement
- IHCA Welcomes Hygiene Improvement
- Proposed New Medical Practitioners Bill
- Press Release - MDU Resignations 23rd August 06
- Minister"s letter of 5th December 2003
- Secretary General"s reply of 8th December 2003
- Presentation to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health & Children
- Letter to Tanaiste
- 2005 Pre Budget Submission
- IHCA Presentation to Joint Committee on Health & Children 27th April 06
- Transcript of IHCA Presentation to Joint Committee on Health & Children 27th April 06
- Submission on Nurse & Midwife Prescibing
- Fielding Room Dedicated
- Clinical Trials - Draft Regulations Published
- Dates for Regional Meetings Announced
- IHCA to meet MDU President & Chairman
- Consultants Slam Latest Waiting List Figures
- Minister"s Decision to Impose Enterprise Liability
- Enterprise Liability - Latest
- Medical Defence Renewal Advice
- Association to meet Minister
- Enterprise Liability Postponed Until 1st February
- Major Change in Superannuation from 1st April 2004
- New Grandfather Clause for Specialist Register
- Progress with MDU on Historic Liabilities
- Medical Council Election
- Enterprise Liability Update
- Meeting with Minister
- Post Enterprise Liability Indemnity Rates
- 85% Vote in Favour of Industrial Action
- IHCA Members Contest Medical Council Election
- IHCA Rejects Minister"s Accusations - MDU Cannot
- 12th February National Circular
- Deferral of Industrial Action
- Update on MDU & MPS Meetings
- Review Meeting With Minister
- Extract from Taoiseach"s Address to Fianna Fail Ard Fhies
- Letter to Taoiseach after Fianna Fail Ard Fheis Speech
- Emergency Meeting with MDU
- New Medical Council Announced
- Extract from Tanaiste"s Address to Progressive Democrats AGM - 27th March 2004
- Extract from Taoiseach"s Address to Fianna Fail Ard Fheis on 5th March 2004
- MDU right to exercise discretion upheld
- Latest National Circular
- Threat that Industrial Action will be Reactivated
- Known MDU Refusals of Assistance To Date
- Download Annual Conference Booking Form
- Presentation on Medical Litigation to Joint Oireachtas Committee
- Dr Josh Keaveny, President, on
- Christmas Arrangements
- Regional Hospital Meetings
- IHCA Calls in Health & Safety Authority
- MDU Breaks Off Negotiations with Department
- Legal Teams Finally Meet
- Review Body on Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector
- Vacancy - Assistant Secretary General
- Election Committee - National Council Elections 2006
- Tanaiste"s Announcement on Category 2 Contracts
- IHCA Annual Conference
- IHCA 18th Annual Conference
- National Council Meeting
- Archive 2005
- Archive 2004
- Archive 2003
- IHCA Annual Conference Accepts Formula for Resumption of Talks
- President's Address to 18th Annual Conference
- Psychiatrists Criticise Lack of Preparedness for Part II of Act
- What if.... we had the extra 3,000 hopsital beds promised
- How red tape is strangling our ailing medical system
- Letter to Minister Tim O'Malley
- IHCA Pre-Budget Submission
- IHCA Response to Budget 2006
- Letter to Irish Times
- Meeting with HSE and Mental Health Commission
- IHCA Campaign Leaflet No 1
- IHCA Responds to Prof. Drumm
- Press Release Minister Must be Honest and Explain
- Press Release Contract Talks
- The Taoiseach praises Hospital Consultants and a 120 year old co-located hospital
- Contract Negotiations Update
- Preliminary Notice EGM 22nd April 2007
- Contract Negotiations 3rd April 2007
- Nurses Dispute Must Be Settled Press Release
- Press Release Ministerial Interference Stalls Talks
- Press Release Press Briefing Mercer Hotel 17th April 2007
- Consultant Advertisements - Mark of Ineptitude
- Contract Documents
- National Circular Buckley Contract Interviews
- National Circular Further Consultant Appointments
- HSE Bed Capacity Study Health Warning
- Press Release Campaign of Action
- Press Release Navan Hospital
- Consultants set out remaining obstacles to agreement
- IHCA Response to Comptroller and Auditor General
- Press Release Employment Control in HSE
- Press Release Navan
- Press Release Consultants Defer Campaign of Action
- Press Release New President Elected
- Press Release 21 June 07 Harney Meeting Constructive
- Acceptence of Connaughton Invitation
- Press Release 5th September 07 "Hospital Consultants Deplore Swinging Cutbacks"
- Press Release Contract Negotiations 18th September 2007
- Press Release Consultant Contract Talks 19th September 2007
- Press Release Sligo 20th September 2007
- Press Release Orthopaedic Department Closure Navan 12 Oct 07
- Press Release Angry Consultants Gather in Dublin 5th Oct 07
- Press Release - Recruitment Embargo 1st November, 2007
- Contract Negotiations Plenary Session
- IHCA 20th Annual Conference
- Press Release Budget 9th November 2007
- Press Release Minister's Plans Doomed to Failure
- Press Release 5th December 2007 IHCA Concerns re 2008 Health Budget
- End of Year Checklist 2007
- IHCA Concern at HSE Restrictions on Filling Vacancies
- IHCA Concerns at HSE Restrictions on Filling Vacancies
- Press Statement Consultants Contract Revised Offer Received 24 Jan 08
- Press Release HSE Delays Consultants Contracts
- Regional & Hospital Meetings
- Regional & Hospital Meetings Week 2
- Press Release 23 February 2008 IHCA Reserves Position on Contract
- Press Release IHCA Welcomes Labour Court Recommendation
- Press Release Portlaoise Reports
- Press Release IHCA cannot recommend proposals at present
- Press Release IHCA National Council to Consider Proposals on 19th April 08
- IHCA to Recommend Acceptance
- Press Release PNA Dispute
- 19th Annual Report
- 2008 Pre Budget Submission
- 20th Annual Report
- Budget 2009
- Report Of The Maternity Services Review Group in NEHB Area
- Association makes donation to Medical Benevolent Fund
- Hospital/Regional Meetings
- IHCA Reacts to Minister's Decision to Pay 1st Phase of Contract Salaries
- Submission on the Human Tissue Bill
- Submission on Consent for Organ Donation
- Fine Gael Bill on Professional Indemnity for Medical Practitioners
- IHCA 21st Annual General Meeting
- DAY OF ACTION ADVICE - 24th Nov 2009
- 2009 Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics
- Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (no 2) Bill 2009
- Submission to The Public Accounts Committee
- Tallaght Delayed Radiology Reporting
- NCHD Crisis Looming
- IHCA Congratulates New RCSI President
- Retirement Options for Public Servants
- HSE Accepts IHCA Proposal
- Reductions in hospital services – just weeks away
- HIQA Investigation into Mallow General Hospital
- IHCA Pre 2011 Budget Submission
- IHCA Calls for RCSI review in Navan
- Response to Annual Report of Comptroller & Auditor General
- 2010 Annual Conference
- IHCA Calls for Contingency Plans for NCHD Shortfall
- Plans for Cork & Kerry Reconfiguration
- IHCA Congratulates New Minister
- As Co-Location Officially Gone, New Plan Needed For Hospital Beds.
- Shortage of Doctors Threatens our Health Services
- Recruitment & Retention of Hospital Doctors
- IHCA Pre Budget Submission
- Press Statement re Pre Budget Submission
- Press Release - Public Service AGreement
- Press Release - PSA Meeting
- Press Release - PSA Update
- Press Statement re PSA
- Public Service (Croke Park) Agreement
- IHCA AGM October 6th Radisson Hotel Galway
- Press Release 06/10/12
- Press Release 2 06/12/10
- Press Release 2 06/10/12
- Press Release 12/10/12
- Press Release 16 October 2012
- IHCA confirms its position on the Labour Court Referrals
- Press release 22 October 2012
- IHCA Survey Outcome
- Press Release - IHCA Survey Outcome
- Press Release - budget 2012
- IHCA Press Statement on National Service Plan
- Consultants Voice Support for Junior Doctors
- IHCA outlines major concerns at PSA proposals
- Press Statement Labour Relations
- Press Release Budget 2012
- Press Statement on National Service Plan
- IHCA outlines Major Concerns at PSA II
- Press Release Hospital Groups
- Press Release - Hospital Groups
- Hospital Groups
- Hospital Groups Report added under Health Services Reports Folder
- IHCA Pre-Budget Press Release
- IHCA Pre-Budget Submission 2014
- IHCA Pre-Budget 2014 Press Release
- Press Release Morbidity
- Morbidity
- IHCA 25th AGM
- IHCA AGM Press Release Patient Care
- AGM Press Release
- IHCA Press release re Budget
- Reduced Inpatient and Day Care Services in HSE Plan will compromise patient safety
- IHCA Press Statement on Universal Health Insurance White Paper
- IHCA Press Statement on UHI White Paper
- Report on Medical Career Structures - MacCraith Report
- Dr Gerard Crotty announced as new President of the IHCA
- Clinical Indemnity & MPS
- IHCA President responds to EU Survey on Patient Safety and Quality of Care in Ireland
- Statement from IHCA re: OECD report
- IHCA Press Release: Clinical Indemnity Charges Increase
- IHCA Press Release: Dr Gerard Crotty, New IHCA President
- IHCA Response to EU survey Patient Safety and Quality of Care
- IHCA and the MacCraith Report
- IHCA and Mr. Leo Varadkar T.D., new Minister for Health
- IHCA response to the MacCraith Report
- IHCA and appointment of Mr. Leo Varadkar, T.D., new Minister for Health
- IHCA Pre Budget 2015 Press Release
- IHCA Pre-Budget Submission 2015
- IHCA Pre-Budget 2015 Press Release
- 26th IHCA AGM
- Press Statement
- IHCA AGM and Annual Conference Programme 2014
- Statement from the IHCA re Budget 2015
- IHCA President calls on Minister Varadkar to fully reverse the unilateral 30% new entrant consultant salary cut.
- IHCA President calls on Minister Varadkar to fully reverse the unilateral 30% new entrant consultant salary cut
- IHCA Statement on the 2015 National Service Plan
- Additional hospital beds and frontline staff urgently needed according to IHCA
- New entrant consultant contract proposals will fail to address consultant crisis according to the IHCA
- Press Release - Soaring medical indemnity costs are driving consultants out of the country
- Discriminatory new entrant consultant proposals will perpetuate vacancies and delays for patients
- IHCA says the draft Emergency Department Task Force Action Plan lacks clear, concrete, workable recommendations
- Lack of frontline resources causing a growing crisis in acute hospitals according to the IHCA
- ED Task Force Report: IHCA highlights need to address insufficient capacity and under-resourcing which is impacting on patient care
- IHCA Statement on the HIQA Report into the Midland Regional Hospital, Portlaoise
- Press Release re The IHCA Pre-Budget 2016 Submission
- The IHCA Pre-Budget Submission: 2016
- Pre-Budget Submission 2016
- IHCA AGM Programme
- Sustainable solutions urgently needed to address the trolley crisis and waiting lists according to the IHCA
- IHCA calls for Prioritisation of Frontline Acute and Mental Health Services
- IHCA President says shortfall in next year’s acute hospital funding is a major concern
- IHCA reiterates call for increased investment in the health sector
- Irish Cancer Society / ICGP Report
- IHCA: urgent need for new Minister to address critically important issues impacting patient care
- IHCA highlights the overwhelming capacity constraints to Minister for Health
- Dr Tom Ryan announced as new President of the IHCA
- Pre-Budget Submission 2017 - Press Release
- IHCA Pre-Budget Submission 2017
- IHCA AGM - Saturday October 1 - Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny 4 CME/CPD Points
- Capacity Expansion Plan critical for the future of healthcare in Ireland according to the Irish Hospital Consultants Association
- Equivalent of six large hospitals required according to IHCA
- IHCA has serious concerns at the lack of health service capital investment and frontline budget funding
- IHCA to launch legal challenge against the State to end discrimination against new entrant consultants
- Statement from Irish Hospitals Consultants Association on HSE Service Plan
- IHCA Media Statement on Breach of Contract Cases
- Statement from IHCA re capital expenditure in HSE
- IHCA meets with Minister Simon Harris to discuss urgent priorities for Ireland’s hospitals
- IHCA Statement on Minister Harris's submission to the Committee on the Future of Healthcare
- IHCA Highlights Growing Health Strategy Concerns
- Healthcare Report fails to address overwhelming capacity deficits that cause long waiting lists and trolley crises
- National Cancer Strategy cannot succeed without increasing the capacity of public hospitals and the resolution of Consultant recruitment crisis according to the IHCA
- National Cancer Strategy cannot succeed without increasing the capacity of public hospitals and the resolution of Consultant recruitment crisis according to the IHCA
- Hospital waiting lists are out of control according to the IHCA
- Programme for IHCA AGM - Strand Hotel Limerick 7th October
- IHCA Announce New Senior Appointment
- IHCA Annual Conference Programme 7 October 2017
- Government must address chronic capacity problems in public hospitals according to IHCA
- BUDGET 2018: Statement from Irish Hospital Consultants Association
- More consultants needed to treat cancer cases
- Budget 2018
- Compelling need’ to increase staffing in medical oncology units, warns IHCA President
- IHCA Statement on RTÉ Prime Time Programme
- IHCA calls for the urgent commissioning of thousands of additional acute hospital beds to address the trolley crisis
- Reactionary statement from IHCA on the Bed Capacity Review
- Sláintecare Report
- IHCA welcomes NDP commitment to provide €10.9bn in health capital funding but calls for more urgent expansion of public hospital bed capacity
- IHCA welcomes NDP commitment to provide €10.9 in health capital funding but calls for more urgent expansion of public hospital bed capacity
- IHCA calls on Minister Harris to urgently address the appointment of non-specialist doctors to specialist consultant posts as it is compromising patient safety and care
- IHCA calls on Minister Harris to urgently address the appointment of non-specialist doctors to specialist consultant posts as it is compromising patient safety and care
- IHCA supports the Joint Oireachtas Committee’s recommendations on the Future of Mental Health Care
- Irrefutable evidence on the scale and depth of the consultant recruitment and retention crisis
- IHCA welcomes today’s settlement of the breach of Consultant Contract cases.
- Dr Donal O’Hanlon announced as new President of the IHCA
- IHCA survey confirms health service facing exodus of recently appointed hospital consultants due to blatant discrimination
- Statement from the IHCA re Sláintecare Implementation Strategy
- Statement from the IHCA on the Consultant Recruitment and Retention Crisis.
- IHCA AGM Galmont Hotel Galway, 6th October 2018
- IHCA President outlines stark realities to Taoiseach and Ministers on irreparable damage to Public Hospital Care
- 2019 Health Budget needs to increase hospital capacity to provide care to patients without unacceptable delays
- Chronic shortage of hospital consultants and capacity severely impacting patient care according to the IHCA
- IHCA AGM and Annual Conference, Galway, 6 October 2018
- Health Budget 2019 fails to address the extent of Public Hospital Deficits
- IHCA respond to former head of HSE’s confirmation that lack of consultants is biggest impact on public hospitals
- Statement by the Irish Hospital Consultants Association re Taoiseach's comments
- IHCA Statement on HSE Winter Plan 2018/2019
- HSE 2019 National Service Plan confirms lack of urgency in addressing overwhelming Public Hospital resource deficits
- IHCA statement on New Year hospital crisis
- Patient care deteriorating due to failure of Government to stop ongoing discrimination against new entrant consultants
- Medical Council Report confirms impact of government policy in driving much needed specialist consultants abroad
- Excessive Consultant workload is affecting patient care according to the IHCA
- Statement from the IHCA re mortuary facilities in Waterford University Hospital
- Fewer consultants mean longer wait times and greater patient safety risk
- IHCA launches CareCantWait social media campaign to highlight lack of patient access to acute hospital care
- Statement from the IHCA on unacceptable record outpatient waiting lists.
- IHCA Statement on Sunday Business Post Revealing Article.
- Cancer patients across Munster impacted by consultant recruitment and retention crisis at Cork University Hospital
- Healthcare leaders speak out on the impact of waiting times and consultant shortages on Irish patients in new video series
- Consultants call on Minister Harris to ‘set the date’ for talks on recruitment crisis
- No end to record numbers waiting to see a hospital consultant, as patients waiting spirals to 564,829
- Health services failing most critically ill patients, as our ICUs lack Consultants and other key resources
- Unacceptable numbers awaiting hospital care according to the IHCA
- Statement from the IHCA re mortuary facilities in Waterford University Hospital
- New survey confirms that Government policy is negatively impacting patients and doctors
- Consultant crisis having a ‘serious effect’ on delivery of women’s healthcare
- Proposed restructuring of health services does not go far enough – Irish Hospital Consultants Association
- No end to record numbers waiting to see a hospital consultant, as patients waiting reaches new high of nearly 570,000
- IHCA AGM 21st September 2019, Radisson St Helen's, Stillorgan, Co Dublin - Programme
- IHCA Pre Budget Submission 2020
- Review Group Report highlights the pressing need for increased public hospital capacity and the risks of removing private care from public hospitals
- IHCA AGM 21st September 2019, Radisson St Helen's, Stillorgan, Co Dublin
- IHCA AGM 21st September 2019 - Radisson St Helen's Stillorgan
- IHCA statement on the planned opening of the Urgent Care Centre at Connolly Hospital
- Consultant recruitment crisis leads to over 47,000 children waiting to see a specialist in Children’s Health Ireland Hospital Group
- Over half of all HSE permanent consultant psychiatrist posts in the South East’s Mental Health Services unfilled
- Statement by Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) on decision of Minister Harris not to attend IHCA Annual Conference tomorrow
- Hospital consultant shortages perpetuating a spiral of burnout, stress and doctor emigration
- Key national health programmes at risk due to ongoing consultant recruitment crisis
- Government failure to address consultant recruitment crisis a neglect of duty to tackle longest waiting lists in Europe
- Medical Council report confirms worsening consultant recruitment and retention crisis
- Hospital consultants believe the Minister lacks the ‘understanding’ to improve hospital conditions for public patients
- Opportunity to provide high quality and timely access to hospital care for public patients missed in Budget 2020
- 153,000 increase in waiting list to see a consultant since Government first took office
- Consultants meet with Departments of Health, Public Expenditure and HSE on practical solutions to the hospital crisis
- Proposal to exclude half population from public hospitals fails to understand all patients rely on public hospitals
- Winter Plan too little too late as waiting lists unacceptable
- CARECANTWAIT patient campaign goes local ahead of four byelection votes
- IHCA comment on HSE’s response to the findings of the National Inpatient Experience Survey 2019
- New data shows 16,938 ‘hidden’ children waiting for treatment in region’s hospitals
- Time to address crisis in hospitals - Opinion article in The Echo newspaper in Cork
- IHCA statement on discharging of patients at St James's Hospital
- New data shows 15,167 ‘hidden’ children waiting for treatment at acute hospitals across West and North-West regions
- New data shows 6,675 ‘hidden’ children waiting for treatment in University of Limerick Hospital Group
- IHCA respond to comments made by Minister for Health Simon Harris before the Oireachtas Health Committee on Wed 11 Dec
- Statement by IHCA on comments by Minister Simon Harris on overcrowding in University Limerick Hospitals Group
- Ireland’s wait times in a ‘parallel universe’ when contrasted with comparable countries such as Scotland
- Statement by the IHCA on cancelled chemotherapy services at Crumlin Children’s Hospital
- Recognition of recruitment crisis welcome, but proposals create a €650 million annual funding hole in public hospitals
- IHCA statement on annual hospital overcrowding figures for 2019: Government must make overcrowding a thing of the past
- Decision to cancel all elective surgery at Cork hospitals poorly thought-out
- Consultants call on Minister Harris to reverse decision to deliver 40% fewer beds by 2021
- Consultants call for all options to be considered before essential surgery cancelled at Cork, Kerry, Waterford hospitals
- Government misses end of year targets on waiting lists by thousands
- Consultants put forward practical workable solutions to address the overwhelming public hospital capacity deficits causing unacceptable waiting lists and trolley crisis, at talks with Minister
- IHCA Statement on Hospital Overcrowding Figures Published 4 February 2020
- Statement: Hospital consultants express concerns over long-term commitment to funding women’s health services
- Women in western counties being deprived of specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service
- Statement by the Irish Hospital Consultants Association on the publication of the Irish National ICU Audit Report
- Over 776,000 people on NTPF waiting lists for care across our public hospitals
- Statement from the IHCA on the Government’s COVID-19 announcement, 12 March 2020
- Statement from the Irish Hospital Consultants Association, Friday 13 March 2020
- Statement from the IHCA in response to latest restrictions announced by Government to contain the spread of coronavirus
- Statement by Irish Hospital Consultants Association
- Statement by the Irish Hospital Consultants Association
- Statement by the IHCA on working arrangements during COVID-19 emergency
- Statement by the IHCA on private hospitals agreement
- IHCA Statement: Almost 800,000 people now on NTPF waiting lists
- Irish Hospital Consultants Association reacts to today’s Government update
- NTPF waiting lists could reach 1 million as latest figures show an additional 11,844 people added in May
- IHCA comments on the publication of the draft Programme for Government
- New mental health policy fails to address critical staffing deficits, says IHCA
- IHCA President Welcomes the Appointment of Minister Stephen Donnelly
- Hospital waiting lists could be missing thousands of people who delayed hospital assessment or referral during pandemic
- Government must prioritise hospital investment to avoid losing up to 25% of critical inpatient beds
- Statement by the IHCA on the passing of Dr Syed Waqar Ali Shah
- HSE report further confirms gravity of current and projected consultant recruitment and retention crisis for patients
- Statement from the IHCA on the Department of Health Ministerial briefing, 6 August 2020
- Comment by Dr Donal O’Hanlon, President of the IHCA, on Sinn Féin’s ‘Protecting Irish Health’ plan
- As Covid-19 backlog persists, preterm and newborn babies could become latest casualties of hospital capacity pressures
- Impact of unfilled consultant vacancies evident as 8.3% increase in those waiting to see specialists since start of 2020
- New leadership at hospital consultant body will continue fight for patient access to timely and quality care in Ireland
- Government must provide plans to prepare for ‘winter like no other’, says new IHCA President as waiting lists increase
- Health Budget 2021 must fund urgent capacity increases now and not more promises as time is running out
- Irish Hospital Consultants Association responds to winter plan
- IHCA responds to decision to hire additional public health staff and government approval to draft new legislation
- IHCA comments on the fact that 843,363 people are now waiting for care
- Irish Hospital Consultants Association say only way to end cynicism on health promises is solutions
- Irish Hospital Consultants Association’s response to Budget 2021
- ‘Treatment delayed is treatment denied’, says leading Oncologist as cancer patients impacted by shortage of specialists in the Irish health service
- Filling over 500 vacant consultant posts is key solution to delays in providing timely care to 845,000 on waiting lists
- Number of unfilled consultant posts increases to 728, 45% more than previously believed – new data analysis
- New Medical Council report further evidence of consultant recruitment crisis – Irish Hospital Consultants Association
- Growth in surgical waiting times is leaving patients at risk, as failure to fill over 700 consultant posts remains unresolved
- Ireland needs new long-term strategy and additional consultants to combat chronic respiratory conditions
- Irish Hospital Consultants Association comment on latest National Treatment Purchase Fund waiting list figures 4569
- Statement by the Irish Hospital Consultants Association on the passing of Dr Keshav Sharma
- Irish health system missing hundreds of pathology consultants, required to provide vital link between cancer diagnosis and treatment, says leading Haematologist
- Hospital long waits double since start of pandemic and are 250 times higher than before
- Priority must be to reduce record waiting lists and outline plans to protect health system in months ahead - IHCA
- New HSE service plan will face challenges delivering hospital capacity precisely when more is needed
- Almost 877,000 people now waiting to see a specialist or receive care, as hospital waiting lists continue to increase
- IHCA comment on additional medical intern posts and postgraduate training places
- Ongoing Government failure to address chronic consultant recruitment crisis leaves almost a million waiting for care
- Delivery of new Major Trauma Services hinges on Government addressing hospital consultant crisis
- Resource-scarce Ireland an “outlier” in psychiatric care, but increased beds and fully staffed mental healthcare teams will improve patient outcomes
- Dedicated Government unit fails to get a grip on mounting hospital lists as 883,727 people now waiting for care
- Oncologist warns Covid disruption to diagnosis and treatment could increase cancer mortality for “next decade”
- Over 100,000 Irish children wait for hospital treatment – IHCA urges action
- Waiting lists soar in Cork hospitals as staffing crisis continues to hit patients in the region
- IHCA statement in response to the HIQA Healthcare Overview Report 2020
- Pandemic not to blame for 100-fold increase in patients waiting over 12 months for hospital care
- Waiting lists top 900,000 for first time, as Consultants warn of worsening crisis
- Health Budget 2022 is a critical moment for patients accessing mental health services
- West and North West hospital waiting lists some of ‘worst in country’ as over 152,000 people wait for care
- Another sobering week for Irish healthcare with record waiting lists, resignations, and lack of meaningful solutions
- Health solutions 'hiding in plain sight' and must be funded under Budget 2022
- Rebuilding trust between healthcare professionals and health service management critical to reducing waiting lists and delivering for patients
- Allocation of health budget needs to be applied if patients are to get timely access to care
- Any waiting list plan which does not address Consultant shortages will plan to fail, warns IHCA
- 69,000 people waiting for care across hospitals in the Mid-West region as Consultants call for urgent Government action
- Over 285,000 people in Dublin could face longer waits for care this winter as consultants call for urgent Government action to prepare hospitals
- 77,000 people on ENT waiting lists, some waiting up to five years — cancer diagnoses could be missed, says surgeon
- Government target to reduce waiting lists by 36,600 by year end will not be met, warns IHCA
- HSE Winter Plan risks seeing the health service slide back into pre-pandemic stagnation
- Patient waiting lists at hospitals in North-East have increased by up to 50%
- Children’s hospital care ‘a ticking time bomb’: over 200 additional consultants needed within next 7 years
- ‘Damning picture’ of hospital waiting lists reveals real scale of increases in waiting times for care this year
- Medical Council trainee doctor report confirms recruitment crisis, warns IHCA
- ‘No child should have to wait more than six weeks for care’, says leading Paediatric Consultant
- One third of patients at hospitals across the Midlands are waiting longer than one year for care
- Cancellation of essential scheduled care cannot be ‘go-to’ solution to hospital capacity deficits - say Consultants
- Another 40,600 people added to hospital waiting lists in past year
- Nearly 50,000 are waiting for hospital treatment at University Hospital Waterford
- “Unacceptable reality of a service where resources are stretched too far” - says Consultant body
- Gastroenterologist warns of “rapid increase” in Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Ireland as patient waiting lists soar
- “A patient’s access to care should not depend on where they live”, warns IHCA
- Patients in West and North-West facing delays as hospitals miss out on new beds and struggle with shortage of consultants
- IHCA Statement on HSE Waiting List Action Plan
- IHCA Statement on the HSE National Service Plan 2022
- Ireland needs to almost double the number of Orthopaedic Consultants to reach a national target set nearly 20 years ago and meet demand
- Government waiting list action plan ‘falls at first hurdle’, says IHCA
- New data reveals worsening hospital staffing crisis as 837 Consultant posts now remain unfilled
- Extra caution needed to protect public and hospitals from latest Covid wave
- 148,000 people waiting for hospital care in Cork and South/South-West hospitals as lists continue to soar
- Worsening waiting list crisis revealed as child waiting lists top 100,000 for first time
- Statement by the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) on the South Kerry CAMHS Review and Compensation Scheme
- ‘Perfect storm’ of pandemic, increased demand and shortage of staff causing worrying delays in Gynaecology care
- Hospital waiting lists longer than ever at halfway point of 10-year Sláintecare plan, say Consultants
- Lack of long-term vision is failing patients with chronic care needs, says Rheumatology specialist
- Sláintecare targets are still decades away from being a reality, say Consultants
- Consultant vacancies at North West hospitals resulting in worsening waiting lists and additional agency costs, says IHCA
- IHCA comment on publication of the Sláintecare Action Plan 2022 by the Minister for Health
- Years of underinvestment have led to unacceptable hospital waiting lists and long waiting times for patients
- Patient outcomes suffer as waiting lists at hospitals in North-East increase by 40% to over 38,000
- More failed health targets leave patients waiting longer, says IHCA
- Ensuring children can access care critical for their development “shouldn’t be such a battle” – says leading Paediatric Radiologist
- Years of underinvestment and Consultant staffing crisis leaving potentially thousands at risk of dying on waiting lists
- Over 58,000 people now waiting for care across hospitals in the Mid-West as 1 in 3 Consultants posts remain unfilled
- Business-as-usual is not an option, Budget 2023 has to deliver - IHCA
- “At a time when we need more specialist Consultants and doctors, we are losing them at an alarming rate”- IHCA
- Record waiting lists could spiral further before end of year as over 900 Consultant posts remain unfilled
- New IHCA President warns Government of patients’ continued plight, if Consultant shortages are not addressed
- IHCA AGM and Annual Conference 1st October 2022
- Disappointing health budget for 2023 lacks essential basics of adequate beds, staffing and resources to provide care for almost 1 million patients
- “Laser-Like focus needed on the two things every patient relies upon the most—beds and Consultants” — warns IHCA President
- HSE Winter Plan fails to address threat of ‘twindemic’ - IHCA
- Patients suffer ‘decade of despair’ as 10-year Consultant pay inequity sees surge in waiting lists and poorer health outcomes
- Over 288,500 people in Dublin face longer waits for care this winter as Government’s waiting lists plan fails to deliver in capital’s hospitals
- Leading Economist says health service supply-demand issues have created a ‘rationing of care’ as almost 1 in 5 people on hospital waiting lists
- Hospital crisis impacts on most vulnerable as child waiting lists surge
- Irish Hospital Consultants Association statement regarding the proposed new ‘Consultant contract’
- Government on course to significantly miss waiting list reduction targets as over 1 million people await hospital care
- Over 77,000 people now waiting for hospital care across the Mid-West as 1 in 3 Consultant posts remain unfilled
- “We are consistently left to fire fight without the necessary resources, the moral injury caused is almost irreversible at this stage” – say Consultants
- Government must answer ‘emergency 999 call’ on health service crisis
- Statement by the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) on today’s publication of an interim report by the Mental Health Commission into the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- ‘Management class’ in health service is distracting from delivery of care to patients
- Consultant shortages and capacity deficits see waiting lists at Cork hospitals rise to 84,400
- Waiting lists likely to stagnate or rise in 2023 as hospital activity yet to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels
- IHCA Statement on new Consultant Contract
- Downgraded waiting list action plan falls at first hurdle – IHCA
- Former Surgeon says ‘name, blame, shame, retrain’ culture across health service is not the solution
- Cancellation of scheduled appointments and operations across Mid-West should not be the go-to solution for overcrowding, warn Consultants
- Consultants seek clarification on Government’s proposed €1 billion ‘accelerated hospital bed-building plan’
- Waiting list targets may never be met due to record high bed occupancy rates and appointment cancellations
- Patient health in the West/North-West at risk due to excessive delays to care – says IHCA
- Hospital list ‘long waiters’ on the rise again as increased capacity becomes more critical
- IHCA Statement on comments from HSE CEO Bernard Gloster
- Decade of hospital and ED overcrowding continues to drive up unacceptable waiting lists
- Patients across Midlands face poorer health outcomes due to hospital capacity deficits, say Consultants
- Over €4bn in capital funding required to meet Government commitments on public hospital capacity
- More pain for patients on waiting lists as Government action plan set to significantly miss end of year targets
- Mental Health Commission Report 'must be taken as cause for serious action' - IHCA
- Over 100,000 children and young people on hospital waiting lists
- MHC CAMHS publications: “The current approach is simply not good enough and is failing our youngest and most vulnerable patients”
- Hospital Consultants question claim that Government Waiting List Action Plan is ‘ahead of target’
- Consultants call for adjustments to be made to allow for a full systemic review into spinal surgeries
- Budget 2024 fails to deliver funding for promised extra hospital capacity – IHCA
- Latest figures reveal Government on course to significantly miss waiting list targets for 2023
- Spike in the number of children on hospital waiting lists as Flu season approaches
- Concern for patient outcomes across the North East as hospital waiting lists grow and Emergency Departments overstretched
- Bed shortage across public hospitals to top 3,000 by 2030 as population growth and demand heap pressure on health service
- Government set to miss end of year targets as three main waiting lists at virtual standstill
- Retirement of Secretary General, Martin Varley
- Over 100,000 people removed from hospital waiting lists in 2023 did not receive treatment
- Government cuts funding to waiting list action plan despite growing numbers
- IHCA Statement on HSE National Service Plan 2024
- Consultants urge Government to expedite delivery of electronic health records
- IHCA Statement on worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza
- Two-thirds increase in exodus of specialists poses risk to patients
- 111,000 people added to waiting lists despite €1.2bn spent on reduction measures since 2020
- Waiting list targets cannot be achieved unless Government fast-track planned additional hospital capacity
- New data shows current waiting lists may take over a decade to clear - IHCA
- Response to Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service and Department of Health report
- Unprecedented demand forces the pause and rationing of diagnostic scans as 260,000 people remain on waiting lists
- Sláintecare targets will remain out of reach without accelerated capacity expansion, say Consultants
- Leading Psychiatrist says wider mental health services essential for young people post-Covid
- IHCA response to Government’s new target of an additional 3,000 beds by 2031
- Over €6bn required to meet Government commitments on public hospital capacity and reduce waiting lists - IHCA
- New report identifies shortfall of 830 acute mental health beds across the country
- Hospital waiting lists now at highest level ever – IHCA
- Statement from the IHCA following the approval of legislation on deferred maternity leave
- Professor Gabrielle Colleran elected President of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association
- Response from the IHCA to the publication of the Mental Health Bill 2024
- IHCA describe HSE decision to indefinitely cancel all scheduled care across ULHG as “unbelievable, unnecessary, and an abandonment of the people of the Mid-West”
- Hospital waiting lists on course to increase by 74,700 this year as achieving targets becomes increasingly unlikely
- Statement on the commencement of the HIQA review of urgent and emergency healthcare services in the Mid-West
- IHCA announce new President’s Awards to recognise excellence in health service
- Statement from the IHCA regarding the Government’s plan to bring 30 critically ill children from Gaza to Ireland for urgent paediatric care
- Statement by the IHCA on the publication of Justice Clarke report investigating the circumstances of Aoife Johnston’s death
- Hospital Consultants support Minister Donnelly’s call for digital health investment
- IHCA statement on Health Information Bill Debate
- IHCA announces the appointment of Jim Daly as new CEO
- 56% of consultants say their working environment does not reflect culture of mutual support, cohesion or trust
- Statement from the IHCA on the targeting of healthcare facilities and personnel in Gaza
- IHCA Statement on Medical Council position on Physician Associates
- Leading from the Front - Irish Consultants Take Action on Sustainability in Healthcare
- IHCA calls for the recommendations of the Government’s clinical negligence Expert Working Group to be prioritised in Programme for Government
- IHCA Welcomes Reduction in Cost and Number of Medical Negligence Claims in 2024
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