IHCA Welcomes Reduction in Cost and Number of Medical Negligence Claims in 2024

By dara
Tuesday, 4th March 2025
Filed under: News, PressReleases, 2025

Clinical Negligence iStock 516143540 resize“The Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) welcomes the latest data from the State Claims Agency on medical negligence payouts, which underline the ongoing patient safety and financial challenges facing Ireland’s healthcare system.

“The figures reveal that the sum of medical negligence claims paid in 2024 fell by €65.4 million compared with the cost of damages paid in 2023, to €210.5 million – a reduction of almost 24%. 

“While this decrease is welcome, the current estimated outstanding liability of around €5 billion could rise by multiples over the next two decades if unchecked. It is also worth noting that a claim may involve payments for damages across a number of years.

“There is scope for further reform of medical negligence in Ireland, and the IHCA is calling for the implementation of the recommendations of the expert group chaired by Prof Rhona Mahony. Its report, published last year, set out a number of recommendations, such as the adoption of pre-action protocols which, if implemented, should see a continuation in the fall in pay outs.

“Reform of the sector would not only reduce the financial and stress burden placed on the individuals involved, but free up significant resources which could be reinvested in long term investment in the Irish health service. The current protracted claims processes are not fit for purpose and are resulting in increased legal costs that are among the highest in the world. 

“This year, the IHCA is advocating for a health system that is ‘Built to be Better’, aiming to reduce the incidence of avoidable medical negligence claims, thereby freeing up funds for greater investment in frontline services, and using savings to modernise public hospital infrastructure.

“Medical negligence reform will be a key pillar of the IHCA’s focus this year, and the Association will continue to engage constructively with policymakers and stakeholders to ensure patient safety remains a top priority. The key goal is to reduce the emotional and financial burden placed on both patients and practitioners throughout the public health system.”

For more information

Darragh Duncan | darragh.duncan@finnpartners.com | +353 (0)85 121 5011

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