24th October 2003
IHCA to meet MDU President & Chairman
The meeting is scheduled to take place at the offices of The MDU in Blackfriars Road, London, on Monday 24th November at 2.00 pm
23rd October 2003
Dates for Regional Meetings Announced
Arrangements for regional meetings are posted on the Diary Page of the Members Section.The main item of business will be the recently published Hanly Report.Dates for additional meetings in other centres will be announced when arrangements are finalised.
15th October 2003
IHCA Welcomes Hanly Report
15th October, 2003Cosultants Welcome Hanly ReportThe Irish Hospital Consultants Association has welcomed the publication of the Hanly Report but has warned that the problem of the bed capacity of our hospitals must be resolved in tandem with the implementation of Hanly. Commenting on the Report, IHCA Secretary General, Finbarr Fitzpatrick stated;"The recommendations regarding the reconfiguration of hospitals is likely to generate considerable debate. It is essential that definitive decisions on this aspect of the Report be taken at an early date. All of the recommendations regarding reduced NCHD hours, revised contracts for consultants and other health workers and the appointment of extra consultants are dependent on the political decisions that must be taken regarding the provision of acute services on a 24 hour 7 day basis in hospitals.The political debate on a similar report on acute hospital services (Fitzgerald Report) published in the late 1960s dragged on for a decade or more. This must not reoccur with the Hanly Report.The greatest single problem in our hospital services is lack of capacity. This must be addressed in tandem with the Hanly Report.
13th October 2003
Clinical Trials - Draft Regulations Published
The Department of Health & Children has published draft regulations covering clinical trials. Comments on the Regulations are invited to be submitted before 31st October to or directly to Ms Moira Griffin, Medicines Unit, Department of Health & Children. The Directive can be downloaded. Click here to download file
4th October 2003
IHCA Annual Conference
The IHCA Annual Conference takes place in Limerick on 3rd and 4th October 2003. The programme is as follows.
24th September 2003
Fielding Room Dedicated
The Boardroom in the Associtaion"s Head Office was dedicated to the memory of Prof John Fielding, the Association"s founding President, on Wednesday, 24th September. In a moving tribute, Prof Michael O"Keefe spoke of Prof Fielding"s defence of the underlying philosophy which led to the establishment of the IHCA. Prof O"Keefe said "It was founded to maintain the independence and integrity of the members and also to continue to be an advocate for their patients." The function was attended by Prof Fielding"s widow, Dr Judy Fielding, accompanied by members of her family, James, Dr Caroline aqnd Nick. Also present were Dr Raymond Fielding and his wife Christine.Mrs Ann Mahon, widow of Dr Jim Mahon, the Association"s second President, was the other guest of homour. Ann unveiled a plaque showing the names of all the Presidents of the Association since its foundation.
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