2nd April 2015
Suspendisse sagittis. Phasellus mauris massa, fringilla eget
Suspendisse sagittis. Phasellus mauris massa, fringilla eget, tincidunt nec, posuere sed, urna. Vivamus at diam. Nulla quis sem a quam adipiscing tempus.
18th March 2015
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed et sem arcu, nec pretium odio. In ullamcorper, eros dapibus sollicitudin lacinia, ante turpis fringilla lectus, id dignissim nisi tellus ac tellus. Quisque a felis lacus, et euismod quam. Curabitur feugiat luctus euismod. In condimentum velit eu nulla mollis id vestibulum nisi rutrum. Morbi ut tellus augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum et libero ut neque pulvinar egestas sit amet sed libero. Phasellus semper magna non risus accumsan id mollis lacus volutpat. Phasellus congue dapibus nisl eget rutrum. Phasellus elementum nulla non nisl dapibus vestibulum. In libero dui, pellentesque et aliquam sed, auctor nec ante. Morbi et risus sem, vel porta leo. Aenean nunc enim, aliquet ut euismod nec, fermentum nec orci.
27th February 2015
Lack of frontline resources causing a growing crisis in acute hospitals according to the IHCA
Thursday 26th February 2015: The Irish Hospitals Consultants Association (IHCA) has today said that the failure to address the crisis in acute hospital frontline resources has led to an unacceptable situation with waiting lists now spiralling out of control. This lack of funding for the frontline services has resulted in surgery and other procedures being cancelled throughout the country.
10th February 2015
IHCA says the draft Emergency Department Task Force Action Plan lacks clear, concrete, workable recommendations
IHCA says the draft Emergency Department Task Force Action Plan lacks clear, concrete, workable recommendations
28th January 2015
Discriminatory new entrant consultant proposals will perpetuate vacancies and delays for patients
28th January, 2015: The Irish Hospitals Consultants Association today said the HSE’s plans to offer discriminatory employment terms to potential applicants will fail to attract and retain the number of high calibre consultants urgently needed to provide care to patients who are already enduring unacceptable delays and waiting lists.
26th January 2015
22nd January 2015
Press Release - Soaring medical indemnity costs are driving consultants out of the country
Soaring medical indemnity costs are driving consultants out of the country
20th January 2015
New entrant consultant contract proposals will fail to address consultant crisis according to the IHCA
New entrant consultant contract proposals will fail to address consultant crisis according to the IHCA
7th January 2015
Additional hospital beds and frontline staff urgently needed according to IHCA
Additional hospital beds and frontline staff urgently needed according to IHCA
27th November 2014
IHCA Statement on the 2015 National Service Plan
IHCA Statement on the 2015 National Service Plan
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