16th April 2018
IHCA calls on Minister Harris to urgently address the appointment of non-specialist doctors to specialist consultant posts as it is compromising patient safety and care
Sunday, 15th April 2018: The Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) has called on Minister Harris to urgently address the appointment of non-specialist doctors to specialist consultant posts as it is compromising patient safety and care.
24th January 2018
Reactionary statement from IHCA on the Bed Capacity Review
23 January, 2018: The President of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) welcomed the publication of the Bed Capacity Review today, and the implicit recognition that a lack of basic bed capacity is a fundamental problem in health care in Ireland. The Association has advocated an expansion of acute hospital and day care beds for many years.
2nd January 2018
IHCA calls for the urgent commissioning of thousands of additional acute hospital beds to address the trolley crisis
2 January, 2018: Dr Tom Ryan, President of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association, said that today's record number of patients on trolleys requiring hospital care was entirely predictable and unacceptable. He said the crisis is due to the fact that acute hospital in-patient bed numbers were cut by 1,400 in the past decade when they should, at a minimum, have been increased in tandem with the country's growing and ageing population trends.
10th October 2017
Budget 2018
10th October, 2017: Commenting on Budget 2018, President of the IHCA, Dr Tom Ryan, said: “While the announced increases to the health budget are a step in the right direction, the reality is that there are huge shortages of beds and staff in our acute hospital and mental health services. What is in the budget is not sufficient to address these shortages, which are the root cause of patients being treated on trolleys and escalating waiting lists.’’
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